The main idea is to show that “humanism” is already a medieval notion and not an invention on the cusp of modernity; therefore, to write “a history,” that is one possible (new, other) history of the Middle Ages that, via a rigorous and methodological interdisciplinary approach, emancipates itself from the constraints of traditional periodization.
Instead of a dark Middle Ages, a humanistic Middle Ages, spanning the late antiquity and the Classical Age. Previous research of team members has proven the credibility of the idea that, through the works of the “Art of the Court” a sequence of renaissances (Constantine’s, Theodosian, Sixtus’, Justinan’s, Theodolinda’s, Liutprand’s, Carolinginan, Ottonian, Renaissance of 11th Century, Renaissance of 12th Century, The Style 1200, Early Gothic, Vernacular Style) is manifested, showing that Classical “humanisms” are translated through doing of the intellectual elites.
The main goal is to test the initial hypothesis diachronically, through all the traditional periods of Late Antiquity, Early Middle Ages, Romanesque, Gothic and synchronically through various means of artistic expression: the written word, visual arts, architecture and urbanism, a task not yet attempted in international research. To obtain the final result, research goals are divided in groups according to art forms and periods. The first group of objectives is the separate research of the renaissances in written word, visual arts, architecture and urbanism. The second group of objectives consists of separate researches of the renaissances during the different historical periods of Late Antique and Early, Central and Late Middle Ages.
The methodological approach ranges from field research (work in archives, territory survey, recording of architectural monuments, cataloguing artefacts in museums and collections, making 3D reconstructions) to comparative analysis of renaissances in Europe. Those research objectives are planned to be realized in Croatia on domestic material by using the newest technologies. The third group of objectives is planned to be realized from the second year of project. On the basis of the collected data the comparative researches of renaissances on the European soil will begin, in order to affirm the results obtained through the research of the domestic material. In this phase, the transfer of knowledge of Croatian scientists working abroad, as well as other foreign experts will be especially valuable for newly employed PhD students and PostDoc as well the professional development of early career scientists.
Finally, the data and results will be merged to develop a model of sequencing medieval renaissances. Here an interdisciplinary approach is required. These findings will also be applied to the traditionally defined period of the 16th century Renaissance, seen as the culmination of all the preceding ones. The project therefore includes an extra-European, global dimension for the Renaissance by focusing on the trans-Atlantic, Habsburg empire. The final expected result of this project is to improve our knowledge of the Medieval period in the longue durée, and to challenge the traditional notion of this period as of “the dark Middle Ages”.
The scientific effects of those results, we predict, will have a significant impact on a larger scale, as it was already the case with the redefinition of the entire Romanesque period or the artistic expressions of the 11th century. The additional effects of the project results stem from using new technologies: all data will be immediately available to potential users, heritage protection offices and local communities on the researched area in order to educate and to improve the decision making for the best possible cultural heritage preservation.