International Colloquium “Medieval Humanisms, Medieval Renaissances”
The 28th annual colloquium, held on the island of Rab, was organized by the International Research Centre for Late Antiquity and Middle Ages, in close cooperation with the GLOHUM project, financed by the Croatian Science Foundation. The colloquium was dedicated to the main subject of the GLOHUM project, the renaissances, with the title Medieval humanisms, medieval renaissances – do they exist and how are they manifested between Antiquity and the Renaissance. Due to the new pandemic reality, but also thanks to the successful experience from the last year, the colloquium was held in the hybrid form, both online and in vivo in the city of Rab, from the 30th of September to the 3rd of October 2021.
It has gathered 35 art historians, historians, archaeologists and architects from Europe and Japan who presented 28 papers concerning different questions regarding the problem of the renaissances. Moreover, nine project GLOHUM collaborators presented their research: X. Barral i Altet, J. Behaim, I. Kranjec, P. Krleža, F. Lovrić, G. Bilogrivić, P. Marković, M. Bradanović and N. Budak.
Besides the presentations within the sessions, the new, seventeenth issue of scientific series Dissertationes et Monographiae was presented: Mens acris in corpore commodo. Festschrift in Honour of the 70th Birthday of Ivan Matejčić, with 30 scientific texts dedicated to the topics and interests of a great art historian and conservator Prof Ivan Matejčić.
You can find the program of the colloquium here.